Wednesday, January 13, 2010

OCD Children - How to Help Your Child Through OCD

If your child suffers from OCD, you are not alone. Our children are very important to us and we would do anything to make sure that they have everything that they need. It especially hurts when we see them performing rituals at such a young age.

We may initially feel like there is something wrong with them mentally. There is not. They are using different parts of their brain more, but this can be changed. One thing that you can do to help your child is to reduce the stress around him or her. You need to make sure there isn't fighting going on around them.

Find out what their fears are. Just asking them what they are may really surprise you. Don't force your child to talk about it if they don't want to. make sure that you talk to your child in a loving way and don't be seen by them as a ruthless dictator. Treat them in such a way that they will want to do what you say, not do it because they fear you.

Treat them the way that you would want to be treated by your boss at work. At the same time. If you are not firm in what you say they will walk all over you. So you've got to learn the balance. See how in this article, it tells you what you can change in yourself. This is the best way to change the behavior of others around you.

If it's in your control, you can do something about it. I have a friend who has three children and is a single mother, it's definitely not easy to keep your cool around your kids. My sister has two children and she's a single mother and I can again tell you that it's definitely not easy especially when your child says some of the mouthy things to you that they do.

So is this an article about parenting? Yes and no. Here's the meat of it. Here's a real quick case study. My sister has two children, one of them was three at the time and she noticed OCD behavior in him. He would not eat his yogurt unless he opened it himself. He would throw it away if my sister opened it for him.

She then realized that she was enabling him by letting him open it on his own to satisfy his compulsion. So she simply said in a nice way, If I can't open it for you, you can't have one. Of course she still feed him his meals regardless, but she isolated it to this particular item so that she could show him that it was ok if she opened it.

At first I did not know if it would be that successful, but it worked! I have since seen it work in other cases and so I'm confident about writing about it and giving you this information. It's very valuable. Like all other information, it's powerless unless you actually use it. Don't let this article give you an "ah-ha" moment and then do nothing. No, instead, pick your child's worse OCD and isolate it to that.

Click here to help your children beat their OCD!: "OCD Children"

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